Sunday, August 26, 2007

Craving The King!

So as I've mentioned, I'm preggers once again. For everyone out there who's been preggers you know that your body does strange things once that little booger is inhabiting it. Right now I'm going through the "gotta pee every 15 minute" stage. The first one - that is, the first trimester "pee pee" stage one not the "I'm so big this baby has squashed my bladder pee pee stage."

Getting on to my point - this weekend I had to make an emergency stop on the road to pee and happened to choose a Burger King. When I walked in, the smell of grease and loads of calories overwhelmed my senses and sent me right into what might be best described as a semi-nirvana experience. Unfortunately I had to do my business quickly and get out of the BK as my friend, her kids, and my kid were all waiting for me in the parking lot.

Since that moment I've been out of my mind for Burger King. I happen to be a 15 year vegetarian and the last time I endured BK was as a special treat for my nephew's birthday a few years ago. I found myself - my whole body - yearning for the french fries and (I haven't TOTALLY lost my mind) veggie burger they serve (bonus points for BK!)

As luck would have it, I couldn't actually find a BK between south Tyler and Nacogdoches and since my Little Darling was sleeping like an angel in the back seat I ended up waiting an ENTIRE 1 1/2 hours to grab it at the Nac drive through.

Was it worth it? Every last greasy, ketchup/mayonnaise soaked, gazillion-calories-a-bite bite! Was it good? heck no - it'll probably be years again before I have to stop at a BK, but that's the beauty of having a person with their own developing personality taking up residence in your tummy... you get to eat what THEY want sometimes!

Editor's Note: If you've never experienced the taste sensation of mixing your ketchup and mayonnaise together before dipping your fries you are definitely missing out!

Editor's Second Note: I ordered Baby Girl the chicken nugget kid's meal. What the heck shape are those nuggets supposed to be? They looked like they had been molded to be shaped like chicken feet! In China people actually eat chicken feet - I can't for the life of me figure out how that is supposed to make those nuggets more appetizing for kids. (I don't think Baby Girl could figure that one out either, I showed her how to dip her nuggets in ketchup and she spent the rest of the meal digging her hands in the ketchup and eating that plain.)


Stacey said...

Hahahaha! That's so great! BK to the rescue!
By the way, the mixture of ketchup and mayo sounds DIS. GUS. TING! YUCK! But whatever. You're pregnant, you can claim whatever you want! Hahaha.
Oh, and I remember when I went to China that the group we were traveling with told us that instead of men buying women flowers for a date, they bring them a "bouquet" of chicken feet! I was offered one, but couldn't bring myself to nibble on the little toes... GROSS!

Anonymous said...

Hello Chana!

Congrats on the pregnancy!! I'm so excited for you guys!

I'll add you at my blog to my list of favorite blogs. :)